5 Events You​ Should Host to Grow Your Business.

We notice that there are many small business owners that read our blog... THANK YOU!!

To be honest, the trick to growing, is using events to genuinely gather (NOT SELL). By doing this, you begin to gain genuine interest from your current customers and fellow business peeps. So with that being said, we have decided to make a list of events that can help grow your brand and clientele.



Did you think you would get away without doing this one? Many times the people who will attend are those who already know you; your family and your friends. But, your family and your friends are the people that will help you get the word out. The launch sets the tone, it tells people what you are all about, where you are located, and heck even a chance to shop some pre-door open sales.


Yes, this still works...it's like saying, "come on over, we have treats," and you don't have to be pressured into buying anything. If you missed the launch, an open house is a great annual event.

3. THE COMMUNITY EVENTS (that are planned for you!)

That's right, your community has a wine walk, a local festival, and a Mother's Day celebration. Many times these events ask that local businesses become stops, sponsors and overall participants. These events are typically planned by a committee and all you have to do is participate and give it a share on social. It's a way to get people in the door in a casual way, while they are having fun and you, as the business owner, get either free or very low cost advertising.


There are businesses that travel, have traveling wine tastings, have floral classes, paint nights, and even DIY classes. Typically you are going to partner with these businesses and serve as the venue. This will give you the opportunity to have their clientele become new clientele to you, and it's nice word of mouth as well.


Get your fellow badass-entrepreneurs, wholesalers, vendors, and neighboring businesses together, and host a networking event. You'll meet new people, keep in touch with current friends, and socialize over drinks and bites.



So, here's what we're really trying to say. Be you, and if you host an event, it is so that people can get to know the real you and what your shop, business and products are all about.

-Neira Event Group Team.